New for the start of the 2023 school year! Pay for your school canteen on

Published on 4 September 2023 at 09:00 - Modified the 16 September 2023 at 16:05

The system for paying for school meals in elementary schools, Collèges (Years 7-10), and lycées (Years 11-13) in the Principality of Monaco is changing to make things quicker and easier.

MonGuichet Paiement cantine


It is now part of, the online services platform of the Prince's Government and Monaco City Hall, where you can also find a wide range of education-related services (enrolment, language development grants, adapted timetable classes, etc.).

How do I access the online procedure?

If you already have an account on

  • Go to, then log in with your username and password, or with MConnect
  • Type « Cantine » (Canteen) in the search bar 
  • Click on « Payer la cantine en ligne pour [votre établissement] » ("Pay for the canteen online for [your school]", then click « Me connecter » ("Connect")
  • This will take you to the online canteen payment service
  • If you do not yet have an account on, click on "Create an account"

For help, please refer to the following guide: